Tired of turning your head in VR?
This creates a jump or snap turn. If a player presses Left Grip, it turns the VRPawn to the left, and if they press Right Grip it turns them to the right. It is handy as an addition to the HMD look around, and reduces neck strain. Although it's a snap motion, like a teleport really, it feels fine because it only occurs when the players calls it themselves. Adding a suitable sound during the turn and a release sound also helps. It feels a little like operating a turret.
Open your pawn blueprint, in this case VRPawn. Add the following sequence (you can press XL on the image for more detail).
Add Event Any Key, and create the two graphs below (they are collapsed). You check the key by name so we're look for either: MotionController (L) Grip1 or MotionController (R) Grip1.
This one checks if we are holding left or right Grip button on the Oculus Touch controller. If a grip button is held set a bool variable called Turning to be true.
This one checks if we released left or right Grip button on the Oculus Touch controller.
Add a function to the VRPawn's Tick event sequence, called InterpPawnYaw (or something).
In the function, if the grip buttons are held (bool Turning == true) then rotate interpolate the pawn's rotation plus one or minus one (which sets the direction) using a Turn Speed value that's comfortable, such as 45.