Drone pet
I made a drone pet for a UE4 project I'm working on in weekends. Hope my actual pets don't mind me spending the whole day on it.

Reroute nodes simplify function inputs
When there is one variable feeding a lot of nodes you want to condense into a function, an easy way to avoid many function input pins is...
Class demo - Shooting Spiders with a Crossbow
I've been doing a long step by step demo of making a level in Unreal Engine 4. This includes: collectable potions player healthbar enemy...

Third Person : Update Camera While Turning
This can be added to a character to make turning look better. Full size image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fiidapv10rxed7e/Dearst_3PCamera_...

UE4 Blueprint Interfaces : GameTime
This is just an easy thing I did to show what a blueprint interface can do in UE4. You can simply find GetRealTimeSeconds from within...

Switch on Enum
When using Switch on Enum, if you click on the Selection input and choose Promote to Variable, the new variable's type is Byte. The new...

I added lower case letters to my UE4 typing function.
I added lower case letters to my preset user typing graph in PlayerController. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9344219/ControllerTypi...

Using Structs for Inventory
I figured out how to use Structs in blueprint in UE4. A Struct is created as an asset in the content browser. Its purpose is to hold a...
Proximity Actor
This is a reply to : https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/56329/how-do-i-get-the-location-of-the-closest-character.html by Alan...
New SaveGame Menu
This is a WIP video (unfortunately with a low screen capture rate). It's smoother in game. There are a few things to work on, such as...