Drone pet
I made a drone pet for a UE4 project I'm working on in weekends. Hope my actual pets don't mind me spending the whole day on it.

UE4 scripting Monty Hall challenge
Marilyn vos Savant was accused of being wrong when she explained the Monty Hall problem. I wondered how tricky it would be to script the...
My first game as a scripter - Two Player Chess
Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yfpx9djy15w3924/TomMooney_UE4BlueprintsChess.zip?dl=0 [17/12/2014 : v1.0.1 Updates] better horizontal...

Reroute nodes simplify function inputs
When there is one variable feeding a lot of nodes you want to condense into a function, an easy way to avoid many function input pins is...
Class demo - Shooting Spiders with a Crossbow
I've been doing a long step by step demo of making a level in Unreal Engine 4. This includes: collectable potions player healthbar enemy...

Gantt came to me in a dream
I've been using a few project management tools lately, including Wrike. This online software is easy to learn, easily under a day, but...

A log that shows what you wanted can be a very satisfying thing. I had made a skill system in UE4.2 but decided it was too unwieldy for...

Third Person : Update Camera While Turning
This can be added to a character to make turning look better. Full size image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fiidapv10rxed7e/Dearst_3PCamera_...

Switch on Enum
When using Switch on Enum, if you click on the Selection input and choose Promote to Variable, the new variable's type is Byte. The new...
New SaveGame Menu
This is a WIP video (unfortunately with a low screen capture rate). It's smoother in game. There are a few things to work on, such as...