UE4 Multiplayer in TopDown land.
'Progress only reveals the next problem.' Skeptical proverbs (first of many).
I've been tinkering with multiplayer using UE4 (first via a template MMOKit by codespartan and now with the blueprints tutorial from Wes Bunn). This is probably ill advised since I'm not a programmer, but I advised myself, so I'm doubly damned.
I was moving forward, the weeks and nights blurred together. I got multiplayer top down movement replicated properly thanks to this tip: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/34074/does-ue4-have-client-side-prediction-built-in.html
Then I found that when playing a map through a lobby menu, while I hold LMB down the cursor disappears. This is a problem for the awesome draggable teleporter I've been making because it prevents the drag from occurring. I was so happy to make the teleport actually work for both client and server online, not just in PIE. I used respawn functions rather than literally the teleport function ... very exciting! Then this cursor glitch I've never seen before steps forth like a goblin proud of the harm his mere presence causes. I don't know if it's a bug, a mistake by me, or a step is missing that I just don't know (yet).
It's the smallest of obstacles, but two days of looking around and thinking up a solution hasn't got me anywhere. I found one other person has posted a possibly related issue : https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/392005/mouse-cursor-not-visible-in-pie-standalone-but-wor.html
I made a video of the problem, because it's quite specific : https://youtu.be/YBnOmecf7ys