My first game as a scripter - Two Player Chess
Download: [17/12/2014 : v1.0.1 Updates] better horizontal...
Time Goes Up, Progress Bar Goes Down
This is a ProgressBar Percent binding for a UI element where you want to drain a progressbar in the UI based on an incrementing timer...
More Chess Development
Work in progress for a scripting demo in the UE4 class I'm teaching at Lifeway College. Still ironing out opponent recovering from check....
Reroute nodes simplify function inputs
When there is one variable feeding a lot of nodes you want to condense into a function, an easy way to avoid many function input pins is...
Happy to see upcoming network blueprints
On the Twitch video about upcoming network features in blueprints, there's some forecast about making it easier to create turn-based...
Perforce in UE4
My steps to add local version control in UE4 First, note that this is for if you are working in one machine and just want to have roll...
Class demo - Shooting Spiders with a Crossbow
I've been doing a long step by step demo of making a level in Unreal Engine 4. This includes: collectable potions player healthbar enemy...
Top Down Dungeon assets for UE4
Initially I was disappointed, given the expensive price, that the Top Down Dunegon assets on the UE4 marketplace are literally for top...
Substance Painter : Hand Painting Surface Relief
Substance Painter is nice to use. I'm doing hand painted normals for large flat surfaces and the normals translate back to 3ds Max well....
Decisions At Start of Project
Came across a tweet by Joe Graf. First decide what things aren't decisions.