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Happy to see upcoming network blueprints

On the Twitch video about upcoming network features in blueprints, there's some forecast about making it easier to create turn-based multiplayer games:

I've been toying around trying to make chess in UE4 in blueprints and have found it is much harder to make reasonable 'computer thinking' for opponent moves than it is to allow moves for two human players.

Today it took me all day to make functions for diagonal tests from the king's location for being in check before and after a move. I tried out a lot of different ways before coming up with 1. a way that worked, and 2. a way I could manage.

For diagonal checking, at first I tested each row upwards to left and right in matching increments, but I got really tangled up, so instead I poll each row up and to the left, then start again going up and to the right. Downwards checking is on tomorrow's ever growing list of tasks.

In the image, the white pawn is not be able to move one up or take the black pawn bec ause the white king is checked by the black bishop. The trick is that if a non-threatening piece is already interposed between the bishop and king then the pawn's attempt to move should work. To make matters worse, the pawn at B3 could move two up into a blocking position, which would be allowed (unless there's another black piece also threatening the king as well as the bishop).


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