My first maxscript - PrepareToPeel
Whenever Unwrap UVW modifier is added on a mesh it defaults to display Thick seams and also to displaying the green Map Seams. I never...
Gantt came to me in a dream
I've been using a few project management tools lately, including Wrike. This online software is easy to learn, easily under a day, but...
Watching Variable Values
A nice feature of blueprint debugging is the ability to Watch values of variables. A watched value can be flagged by right-clicking on...
A log that shows what you wanted can be a very satisfying thing. I had made a skill system in UE4.2 but decided it was too unwieldy for...
Flow chart for logging into game
I wrote up a flowchart for a blueprint eventgraph using I have got this working in blueprints (except for the email reminder...
Smooth typing deletion
I revisited an old topic of user typing in blueprints, and fixed up my Backspace event so I don't have jumpy text deletion in the current...
Third Person : Update Camera While Turning
This can be added to a character to make turning look better. Full size image:
Magnifier Circle - Handy for presenting blueprints on a projector
Last month I tried out a magnifier tool window, but it doesn't help much as it is actually more distracting than useful. I've found...
Things I like about Unreal Engine 4.4 update
This release is stacked with little enhancements, but these popped for me: Networking in blueprints content examples. Just when I'm...
Bug Tracking online tool - Snowy Evening
Tonight I moved from using a diary and biro to note down things to fix, to an online cloud application called Snowy Evening, which is...