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One of those math utility functions...

ChatGPT may have a mixed reputation, but for this it seems a good fit. It's nice to not have to wire up Truncate and Fraction and Subtract and all that.

I did zero work to make this blueprint node ; I just said what i wanted to it to do and boom; no compile errors, works fine off the bat.

It doesn't handle divide by zero well; just enough to skip trying to divide by zero.

This is a snippet for FunFunctionLibrary, a blueprint function library class.


#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h" 

#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h" 

#include "FunFunctionLibrary.generated.h"


enum class EProcess : uint8


    None UMETA(DisplayName = "None"),

    Truncate UMETA(DisplayName = "Truncate"),

    Fraction UMETA(DisplayName = "Fraction")



enum class EMathOperation : uint8


    Add UMETA(DisplayName = "Add"),

    Subtract UMETA(DisplayName = "Subtract"),

    Multiply UMETA(DisplayName = "Multiply"),

    Divide UMETA(DisplayName = "Divide")



class FOURP_API UFunFunctionLibrary : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary




   UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "FunFunctions", meta = (DisplayName = "Process Float Pair", Keywords = "process float math operation", Tooltip = "Processes two floats based on specified methods and applies a math operation on them."))

   static float ProcessFloatPair(float FloatA, EProcess ProcA, float FloatB, EProcess ProcB, EMathOperation MathOp);



#include "FunFunctionLibrary.h" float UFunFunctionLibrary::ProcessFloatPair(float FloatA, EProcess ProcA, float FloatB, EProcess ProcB, EMathOperation MathOp)


    // Process FloatA according to ProcA

    switch (ProcA)


    case EProcess::Truncate:

        FloatA = FMath::TruncToFloat(FloatA);


    case EProcess::Fraction:

        FloatA = FloatA - FMath::TruncToFloat(FloatA);


    case EProcess::None:




    // Process FloatB according to ProcB

    switch (ProcB)


    case EProcess::Truncate:

        FloatB = FMath::TruncToFloat(FloatB);


    case EProcess::Fraction:

        FloatB = FloatB - FMath::TruncToFloat(FloatB);


    case EProcess::None:




    // Perform the math operation

    float Result = 0;

    switch (MathOp)


    case EMathOperation::Add:

        Result = FloatA + FloatB;


    case EMathOperation::Subtract:

        Result = FloatA - FloatB;


    case EMathOperation::Multiply:

        Result = FloatA * FloatB;


    case EMathOperation::Divide:

        if (FloatB != 0)

            Result = FloatA / FloatB;


            UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Division by zero."));





    return Result;




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