Blueprints Poker 5 - Straight laced
This is the kind of hand that makes people cry. Bess had AK in hand, and Ben flopped QQ55 but the river has loaded the table with four cards for straights. Only one person takes the pot.
Bella - 87654
Bob - 76543
Bart - 65432

A straight is calculated as shown below. For every player, the seven cards (2 hole cards and 5 dealer cards) are loaded into an array, and that's checked for if there are five Cardnames in series, setting a Primary for the highest of the five. For a flush a similar thing occurs but checks for Suits. For a Straight Flush another function checks both suits and series together ... but I haven't seen it occur yet.

In the image, the rankings are polled in a function which uses the highest CardName in the hand with a Results enumerator also defined in the datatable, used to distinguish Straight from Flush etc.