UI Button States
I cottoned onto a simple way of using Enums to switch buttons states: Up, Over, Pressed, Disabled an a re-usable menu function without...
Zak Parrish tutorial "Spawn Many Objects Randomly in A Volume"
I tried Zak's tutorial (not with cows though). The video by Zak Parrish: http://youtu.be/9-7SmkasS_A shows how to spawn many objects in...
Building my own control inputs
I wanted to make a blueprint where I can drive player movement without relying on the presets, which are constructed in base classes...
Things I like about UE4 4.2 Update
The keys Alt+[ and Alt+] adjust the size of the transform gizmo. You can now use an actor picker to choose which actor to attach to...
Use anywhere functions
I'm exploring blueprints, and looking at how to make functions so they are useful in more than just one case. For example, the centering...
Things I like about UE4 4.1 update
New: Icons for your project can now be assigned via Window/Project Settings. New: Startup Movies for your project can now assigned via...
Dialog Progress
I am labouring away at a text based dialog blueprint. So far each string of dialog has to be set to display one by one, with 24 letters...
Successfully added player typing via blueprint
This makes me happy! I didn't know how to do something, I thought it about it, and an hour later I have it up and running. I recorded a...
Successfully coded a SaveGame framework
I'm happy today because, after several nights of tinkering, I have built a SaveGame framework for a game in UE4 that, so far as I can...
Creating a 24 hour clock in UE4
This is a UE4 blueprint demo I made yesterday evening. Googledocs: The Good Lab Rat's Guide to Pressing Buttons (page 40) Basic Coding in...