Distance between components
It is easy to get the distance between actors, as there's a node for it, but between components within an actor, it requires a little...
Nearest Actor To Player of Class
This is very basic BP, but I generalized a common operation to one function node. Here we insert any actor class and return the nearest...
Lost and found items
I bought the UE4 marketplace content by Siger Lee TopDown RPG Inventory System, mainly because it resembles the inventory of the game I...
Conditional Wav switching in UE4
You know how player jumping works in UE4, with a start-to-jump animation that plays once, then an in-the-air loop animation, then a...
Setting a rewind amount for a UE4 Sequence in Blueprint
I'm planning to make a UI that lets the user drag a slider to control playback position (current time) of a sequence. The slider value...
Maya Python : Extract Faces and Apply Material to the Extracted Mesh Result
Using the time honored method of searching google for python snippets, I figured out how to solve a problem that's been bothering me...
A Blueprints Tip
I found out you can make Function calls in blueprint have a Compact Node Title. This is helpful to make graph layout tighter. To do this,...
Poker Hand Maker
In my UE4 poker scripting, I've found I really need to be able to play a predetermined hand in order to debug changes to the blueprints. ...
Blueprints Poker 5 - Straight laced
This is the kind of hand that makes people cry. Bess had AK in hand, and Ben flopped QQ55 but the river has loaded the table with four...
Blueprint Poker 4 - Natural Selection
The top part is hard to read and set up; the bottom part works the same, but is easier. Use Select node to fill a single integer with a...